Kaeng Sopha Waterfall, Phitsanulok

Beautiful Waterfalls....

We have just left Wat Pharson Kaew, this magnificent temple in the middle of the mountains which dazzled us... to take the direction of Phitsanulok which is at about one hundred kilometres from there.

Less than an hour later(40km), we reach the banks of the Kaek River... and I notice on the map that there are several waterfalls in this area.

We stop at Kaeng Sofa Waterfall... which is part of a national park. The entrance is not free. 

After a few hundred meters, we arrive at the edge of the Kaek River in the middle of the forest. 

We stay there for a while to discover and contemplate this fantastic landscape, these huge rocks, probably moved during some earth tremors.

Before reaching our waterfalls, a short stop at this cute place where young people came to swim.

Very beautiful nature, so green and so relaxing

Very wild landscape, very natural... but there is not much water.

The employees at the entrance to the park had warned us that there was little water

I discover this recent wooden staircase that I decide to go down and at the end of which I find my waterfall... a cat's pee!

it's the end of March, it hasn't rained for a long time... water is scarce so that's it... the small waterfall which is much stronger at other times of the year

 Rafting in Kaeng Sopha

Situation Géographique