Chiang Saen, "Oolong" tea fields

I had long wanted to go for a long walk in the "far north" of Thailand.

Our "Family Trip" that year, was organized in this way, and after two days of driving and 1,650 km from Phuket, we arrived in Chiang Kham, a small quiet and peaceful town where I found time for a very nice evening, my friend Rémi, the first Frenchman I met in Phuket in... 1994. These are memories that remain.

The next morning, we set off to discover a magnificent Burmese style temple made mainly of teak woods in this small town. Time to take some pictures, and we took the direction of Mount Phu Chi Fa and Mount Doi Pha Tang located opposite Laos, at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters.

From up there, the view on clear days is breathtaking and I was already dreaming of bringing back some great photos. Unfortunately, to my great disappointment, the peasants who are burning their land in this season, their herbs made this dream impossible. We couldn't see much anymore. Thus, my photo capital was considerably reduced to shots limited in distance....

But I'm not desperate... I'm already thinking of returning to the region!

  We follow the Mekong River

We left the "high mountain" to find ourselves on the edge of the Mekong, also smoky, which we follow for a few kilometers towards Chiang Saen and the Golden Triangle

Here, we can see a village in Laos, the Mekong is not very deep in places, you can even cross it on foot... but beware of the guards!

  Some Tea Fields

A few kilometers from Chiang Saen, these tea fields where we stop to enjoy a cup

Some information on the different teas in the region: